Andes Launches AndeSight™ v2.0.0 STD Edition, Offering SoC Developers a Sophisticated Development Suite to Meet Diverse Requirement

【Taiwan HsinChu】 Andes Technology, the dedicated vendor of 32-bit CPU IP and associated SoC platforms, launches the AndeSight v2.0.0 STD Development Suite tailored for middle- and high-end market after the rollout of its MCU version for low-end market. AndeSight v2.0.0 STD is characterized by its brand new GUI layout based on Eclipse CDT 8.0 and customization features Chip Profile, Flash ISP and Plugin API with excellent integrity. In addition to the existing AndesCore™ processor cores, AndeSight v2.0.0 STD extends its supports to the newest member, N1337, and cooperates with the Andes ICE solutions, AndeShape™ AICE and AICE-MCU. With these features, AndeSight v2.0.0 STD has become a sophisticated development tool that can catch up with the future trend and meet diverse requirements. 

AndeSight v2.0.0 STD not only includes functions in the MCU version but also enhances its functionalities for setting up the development environment, debugging and verification. Integrating with Andes ESL Integrated Virtual Environment AndESLive™, AndeSight v2.0.0 STD comes with virtual evaluation platform Simulator and graphical interface SoC Builder that enables the construction of virtual SoCs. In terms of debugging, it provides two configurations specific for Linux target environment – Linux Application debugging and Attach to Process debugging. 

AndeSight v2.0.0 STD also offers various functions to customize development environment, including Chip Profile, Flash Burner and Plugin API. Chip Profile contains project templates for specific targets, preventing developers from repetitive configuration for the same targets. As to Flash Burner, users can modify the sample Flash Driver to meet their own flash type and perform pertinent flash programming through the built-in Flash ISP graphical interface. Plugin API allows users to utilize the resources of AndeSight with their own plugin programs. The graphical interface Chip Profile Editor facilitates developers to quickly configure Chip Profile components for individual SoCs. A Chip Profile can be generated by simply configuring the parameters of Chip Profile components, such as project template, Flash Driver, SoC Registers, and Memory Map.

The toolchains of AndeSight v2.0.0 STD support existing CPU N7, N8, SN8, N9, N10 and also N13, the newest member of AndesCore family. Supported by AndeStar™ V3/V3m ISA, the toolchains enable a development environment of All-C Embedded Programming. Programmers can produce high quality code efficiently by writing all their code in C and save the trouble of using assembly language. On the side of RTOS support, AndeSight v2.0.0 STD provides RTOS Awareness feature for μC/OS-II and FreeRTOS, rendering developers visualized high-level debugging for RTOS applications. 

With regard to the debugging solutions, AndeSight v2.0.0 STD can work with both AndeShape AICE and AICE-MCU. The former has been enhanced to deliver better functionality and efficiency; the later supports two-wire JTAG interface so that users can be benefited from reduced pin counts and SoC cost. AndeShape AICE-MCU supports the Debug-on-Reset and Secure Access features in addition to AndesCore’s standard debugging mechanisms such as hardware breakpoint and step-over. It also provides auto frequency calibration and effective download speed, offering customers a low cost niche while maintaining high compatibility with development environment.  

Based on AndeSight v2.0.0 MCU, the newly-launched STD version has a significant upgrade on efficiency and stability. It allows SoC engineers to develop programs on virtual SoC platforms and perform verification on real boards. It also provides advanced debugging utilities to ease the development process and various startup demo programs to get users acquainted with hardware/software environment in less time. 

Dr. Charlie Su, Chief Technical Officer and VP of R&D at Andes, states, “To Andes, introducing high quality and efficient development tools are just as important as launching leading embedded CPU IP AndesCores. We expect AndeSight to be easy-to-use, deliver higher efficiency with optimized code and provide extensive supports for hardware, software and system. The new features of AndeSight v2.0.0 STD are derived from customers’ feedbacks, numerous internal discussion and revisions. Its performance, new functionalities and customization features Chip Profile Editor and Plugin API demonstrate Andes’ continuous efforts on software enhancement and fulfill our commitments to the customers. We look forward to seeing our customer Seize Today’s Dreams and Shape Tomorrow’s Devices with AndeSight v2.0.0 STD.”

For more information about AndeSight v2.0.0 STD Edition and AndeShape AICE-MCU, please refer to or contact

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Andes Launches the First Andes Certified Engineer Program

Students Flock to Register for Understanding Taiwan-based Development Platforms and Developing Professional Skills

【Taiwan HsinChu】The first Andes Certified Engineer (ACE™) Program was launched successfully in December 2012 in Kun San University, southern Taiwan, and Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology, northern Taiwan. The exam-based certification included two levels, advanced and intermediate, and had 96% attendance among 138 registrants. 
Andes Technology, the dedicated vendor of 32-bit CPU IPs and associated SoC platforms, introduces the ACE Program to make up the gap between universities and industry. The ACE program itself also adds values to Andes and boosts Andes’ corporate image when the Taiwan-based company goes international. Focusing on CPUs and embedded systems, the ACE Program facilitates the promotion of Taiwan-based developed products and the industry-academia cooperation. It also benefits students by getting them involved with the development process of SoC platforms, familiar with R&D environment in Taiwan, and ready for technology jobs. In the end, the ACE Program is expected to bring more advantages in promoting and nurturing the local CPU IPs.

Dr. Jhih-Syue Jhou, the supervisor of the first ACE Program and an associate professor in Department of Information Engineering, Kun San University, stated, “It’s my honor to organize the ACE exam in southern Taiwan and introduce the Taiwan-based embedded SoCs to students. I would like to express my respect to Andes Technology for their contributions on embedded system industry and related education in Taiwan. The program was launched successfully thanks to the support from the head, Prof. Benjamin Tseng, the staff and students in my department. Without their helps, it wouldn’t be easy to host an exam with 105 registrants.” 

Prof. Jhou further noted, “The industry needs qualified engineers and students need a certification to demonstrate their expertise. That’s why we hosted the exam to bridge the gap between the industry and students. Through the promotion by my department, 95% of students taking related courses had registered for the exam. The attendance clearly reflects the industry trend and the market demand. Kun San University and Department of Information Engineering would like to host the exam continuously with our full support. We also expect to set up a test/certification center and a training center in our department; the former allows more exam sessions for engineers in related fields to participate while the latter can do more promotion for Taiwan-based SoCs.”

The President of Andes Technology, Frankwell Lin, said, “Via the ACE Program, students can learn more about embedded systems and hardware/software co-design, thereby gaining the edge in job application. The ACE Program is devised as a training for corporate customers. University or graduate school students taking this exam can be exposed to industry-level embedded system development. Moreover, since a great part of the ACE Program is derived from frequently-asked questions of Andes customers, students can consider it as a rehearsal chance for job interview. We are glad that the first ACE Program has successfully launched and grateful for the supports from organizers, supervisors and test administrators in both venues. We also thank for the advices of Embedded Software Consortium, Education of Ministry. With the successful debut of the ACE Program, we will keep the event going and schedule it every half year.” 
For more information about the Andes Certified Engineer (ACE™) Program, please refer to or contact

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The 8th Andes-Embedded™ Forum (AEF) Invites You to Seize Today’s Changing Moment and Create Tomorrow’s Groundbreaking Devices

Andes Technology Launches its Compact Processor Core “Hummingbird” That Delivers Ultra Low Power Consumption, Adequate Performance with Reduced Cost

【Taiwan HsinChu】The 8th Andes-Embedded Forum (AEF) has successfully taken place on April 18, in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Bearing the motto “Driving Innovations” in mind to self-motivate and service customers, Andes Technology has been providing core technology, SoC key components and development platforms for years. With the same mindset, the AEF in 2013 had a theme to assist customers to “Seize Today’s Changing Moment and Create Tomorrow’s Groundbreaking Devices” with Andes processor-based solution and professional technology support. In the event, Andes Technology unveiled its compact 32-bit processor series “Hummingbird,” the achievement of Andes’ 8-year research that delivers ultra power-efficiency and adequate performance while reducing more die size and unit cost. Many of Andes partners were also invited to give product demonstrations.

In an era of pursuing smart and green product designs, computing in ultra low power consumption are extremely important. Thus, the 8th AEF aimed to provide customers with solutions of low power consumption and operation acceleration in hopes of making them meet their targets earlier. Attendants to this event got a thorough understanding through AEF’s eight sessions of different topics and ten booths that showcased various Andes applications. The theme of the AEF this year, “Seize Today’s Changing Moment and Create Tomorrow’s Groundbreaking Devices,” responded to the two main requirements for today’s applications – power consumption and performance. Andes Technology with its CPU solutions looks forward to giving all SoC engineers a big hand to launch target-met SoCs and shorten the time to market. The Andes-embedded SoCs in turn are believed to facilitate the design of next-generation eye-catching devices for system engineers.

Jyh-Ming Frankwell Lin, President of Andes Technology Corporation, stated, “According to an IDC research report, the uptake of smart phones and tablets continues to surge these years. In 2013, the shipment of smart phones is projected to grow 13% while that of tablets is 44%, showing that mobile devices still play a prominent role in the market. This trend stimulates the rise of new applications and brings business opportunities to related industries. Knowing that it’s a must to enter the mobile device market, Andes Technology has acted aggressively to gain its share in fields like portable devices, IoT (Internet of Things), touch devices, networking, wireless communication, MCU and multimedia applications these past few years. When there is a need to adopt SoC(s) in your product, there is a chance for Andes Technology to partner with you. Providing core technology and development platform, Andes has worked closely with our customers to smooth the development process and to reduce their time-to-market. That’s how the theme of AEF this year, “Seize Today’s Changing Moment and Create Tomorrow’s Groundbreaking Devices,” came from. We believe that AEF attendants have all been benefited from the mutual exchange of experiences and information about different applications in the event.”

Lin further expressed, “We keep offering best support and service expecting that SoC companies consider Andes when they develop their products. We also constantly launch products to answer to customers’ needs. The processor series ‘Hummingbird’ introduced in the AEF is tailored for embedded controllers that require ultra low energy consumption, especially for those that require months, or even longer, of battery life. As lightweight and vigorous as hummingbirds, the compact processor series ‘Hummingbird’ delivers ultra energy-efficiency while charging pretty low unit cost and power. Its applications include sensor-based applications, IoT, medical devices, MCUs, mobile phones, smart phones, tablets, wireless communication, wireless connection, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Navigation System, sensor network, sensor fusion, and all sorts of hand-held devices. ‘Hummingbird’ outperforms its competitors with both ultra low power consumption and better performance; it enables the completion of a task faster using minimum power and enters the stand-by mode immediately to wait for the next task. Thus, ‘Hummingbird’ is by all means the most energy-efficient processor core in the market.”

For more information about the 8th Andes-Embedded Forum (AEF) and AndesCore, Andes 32-bit processor core IP, please refer towww.andestech.comor contact

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Andes Offers Training Courses to Universities in Beijing

From May 13 to 22, Andes offered a series of training courses to universities in Beijing of China including Peking University, Beijing Institute of Technology, and Beijing Jiaotong University. These courses presented Andes’ high-performance, low-power 32-bit processors AndesCore™ with their applications in embedded systems. They also introduced the corresponding development environments of Andes cores and provided hands-on trainings in the use of Andes’ IDE, AndeSight™. Students taking these courses not only acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills but also got inspired in the follow-up open discussion sessions.

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Andes Sponsors “2013 Intelligent Electronics System Design Contest”

Led by Ministry of Education of Taiwan government, 2013 Intelligent Electronics System Design Contest was held on May 11th at National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. As one of the primary sponsors, Andes was invited to exhibit products in the event and to share the development experience with competing teams. This contest is to encourage students’ imagination to combine intelligent electronics with everyday life. It is also a long term plan to drive innovation across the entire industry for the nation.

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Andes Attends ChipEx2013 and Introduces N705 to Israeli market

Andes attended ChipEx2013 Vendors’ Exhibition at the David Intercontinental Tel Aviv Convention Center in Tel Aviv, Israel from April 30 to May 1, 2013. In this event, Andes introduced the Israeli microelectronics industry to its advanced technology, CPU IP families (AndesCore™), development tools (AndeSight™) and business model. Especially, Andes showcased the newest processor N705 (Codename: HummingBird) in the exhibition, demonstrating its superiority in terms of ultra PPA (power, performance, and area) in various application fields. Through the participation of ChipEx2013, Andes expressed its determination of bringing good quality products, service and support to the Israeli market.

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The 8th Andes-Embedded™ Forum (AEF-8) in the Form of Webinar for China Market Takes Place on Apr 25th

Themed with “Seize Today’s Changing Moment, Create Tomorrow’s Groundbreaking Devices,” the 8th Andes-Embedded Forum (AEF-8) in the form of Webinar for China market took place on Apr 25th successfully. After Andes President Frankwell Lin’s keynote speech, six sessions of different topics followed in turn including “How Andes Help IC Design Companies Grow,”  “Make Cool Universe with Andes-Embedded Solution,” “Andes Novel Data Engine for SoC,” “Speed Up SW Development with AndSight™,” “Unleash the Power of Andes Core in Fast Evolving Ecosystem,” and “Andes Service: Driving Innovations.” Andes’ newest CPU core N705 (codename: Hummingbird) was also announced in the forum.

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