RISC-V CON Beijing

Park Plaza Beijing Science Park Hotel 北京丽亭华苑酒店 Beijing, China

Agenda Opening Frankwell Lin, President Andes Technology . 面向下一代计算的芯片敏捷开发方法与开源芯片生态 Ke Zhang Director of the CRVA Secretariat, Associate Professor of ICT of CAS . RISC-V Leads in CPU Architecture for SoC Design Frankwell Lin, President Andes Technology . Powering RISC-V SoCs with 1 to 1,000s AndesCores Charlie Su, CTO & EVP Andes Technology . Fast Start […]

ICCAD 2019

Nanjing International Expo Center

GSA Executives Series Japan

Conrad Tokyo Hotel Hamarikyu Ballroom 1-9-1 Higashi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-7337, Japan, Tokyo, 日本

RISC-V Meetup in Toronto

University of Toronto 40 St. George St., Bahen Centre – Room 1220, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Toronto