2021 EETimes Tech Taipei Online

10:45- 11:20 RISC-V: A New Industry Standard 晶心科技市場部資深經理 謝光宇 自2015年RISC-V協會成立以來,RISC-V架構已被大量採用在晶片設計, 也實際進入市場量產,如此快速的的成長動能有賴於整個半導體產業, 包括設計,供應鏈,生態夥伴等合作,一起解決未來的設計挑戰, 如此開放式架構的許多創新特點已經改變半導體產業的面貌, 此演講將會分享發展趨勢,晶心客戶成功案例與使用範例, 以及現有方案如何協助客戶持續創新成為市場領導者

RISC-V Forum: Embedded Technologies

Embedded technology is the heart of RISC-V due to the flexible and adaptable architecture. In this event, expect to hear about code optimization, Embedded ABI (EABI), packed-simd, and fast interrupts. You will also hear about RISC-V embedded technologies in the automotive industry, medical equipment, communications, graphic cards, and in disk drives. RISC-V Forums bring together […]