2024 Andes Webinar (中文場)

歡迎加入我們的網路研討會,我們將深入探討 RISC-V架構的無窮可能性,並聚焦於晶心科技提供的全面解決系列方案。探索這些尖端的RISC-V CPU如何在車用和人工智慧領域重塑運算格局與推動創新。我們的講者將帶領您深入了解晶心系列產品的特點、優勢和實際應用,展示其解鎖 RISC-V技術的全部潛力。無論您身處車用相關行業還是人工智慧領域,這場網路研討會將是您瞭解晶心系列解決方案的絕佳機會。發掘如何借助晶心科技的產品,將您的專案提升至新的高度。走過路過不要錯過,與我們一起站在 RISC-V進步的尖端,探索前方的無限可能!

2024 Andes Webinar (EMEA and Japan)

Join us for an engaging webinar as we delve into the boundless possibilities of RISC-V architecture with a focus on the comprehensive Total Solutions offered by the Andes Series. Explore […]

2024 Andes Webinar (US)

Join us for an engaging webinar as we delve into the boundless possibilities of RISC-V architecture with a focus on the comprehensive Total Solutions offered by the Andes Series. Explore […]