
【台灣新竹】─2021年10月21日─32及64位元高效能、低功耗RISC-V處理器核心領導供應商、RISC-V國際協會(RISC-V International)創始首席會員晶心科技(TWSE: 6533),於今日宣布推出「AndesBoardFarm」,一個可以提供 SoC 設計人員從自己的電腦遠端取得晶心FPGA 開發板及管理軟體的系列工具,讓他們能立即體驗開發AndesCore® RISC-V處理器。藉由使用晶心所提供的全面整合開發環境AndeSight™,設計人員可以透過網路以晶心最新的CPU核心運行他們的軟體,進行性能測試並直接獲得結果;同時,還可以探索晶心所提供的各種軟硬體的功能。工程師善用AndesBoardFarm的服務,將大幅減少評估RISC-V處理器的時間和精力,為他們的SoC選擇最佳的RISC-V CPU核心。

「創建一個具備複雜功能的多核心RISC-V SoC,並同時開發應用程式來完全利用硬體功能是一項高挑戰的任務,」晶心科技總經理暨技術長蘇泓萌博士說。「面對日趨複雜的設計和需求快速變化所帶來的挑戰,要做出決定並確保對其開發項目最有利的 IP 極需遠見。為了協助SoC設計團隊能從其自身的角度及需求,找到最適合的AndesCore™,晶心科技建立了一系列FPGA開發板,將之連接到具備網路安全保護的伺服器群,並同時運行安全管理軟體。客戶可以申請帳號並將他們的設計及程式上傳到AndesBoardFarm網站的開發板上,節省精力並確認他們的設計需求。」

AndesBoardFarm FPGA開發板系列包含所有的晶心RISC-V處理器解決方案,做為嵌入式 SoC 設計的參考,包括32位元及64位元單核或多核的處理器,以及其他功能選項,例如用於 Linux作業系統的MMU、用於多媒體處理的SIMD指令以及用於AI與其他需要大量數據和複雜計算的向量擴充指令集。如果需要更多詳細資訊,請聯繫


關於晶心科技(Andes Technology)
晶心科技股份有限公司於2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於台灣證交所上市(TWSE: 6533)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家採用RISC-V作為其第五代架構AndeStar™基礎的主流CPU供應商。為了滿足當今電子設備的苛刻要求,晶心提供了可配置性高的32/64位高效CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量(Superscalar)及多核心系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可協助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。在2020年,Andes-Embedded™ SoC的年出貨量突破20億顆,而截至2020年底,嵌入AndesCore™的SoC累積出貨量已超過70億顆。更多關於晶心的資訊,請參閱晶心官網。追蹤晶心最新消息:LinkedInFacebookWeiboTwitterBilibili以及YouTube!

關於晶心RISC-V AndesCore™系列
晶心科技全面的RISC-V CPU系列涵蓋了入門級32位元N22、中階32位元N25F/D25F/A25/A27和64位元NX25F/AX25/AX27以及高階多核A(X)25MP和向量處理器NX27V,以及近期推出的最新超純量45系列。

Continue ReadingAndesBoardFarm提供SoC工程師透過遠端線上FPGA開發板探索RISC-V處理器

Andes Technology USA Corp. Announces Major Expansion of Its U.S. Operation

Company Announces Job Openings for San Jose Headquarters and Portland R&D Office

San Jose, California October 8, 2021 – Andes Technology USA Corp., the headquarters of North America operations of Hsinchu, Taiwan-based Andes Technology Corporation, a leading supplier of high efficiency, low-power 32/64-bit RISC-V processor cores and founding premier member of RISC-V International, today announced a major expansion of Its U.S. operation. Andes Technology USA is greatly increasing engineering headcount in both the San Jose, California headquarters and its Portland, Oregon research and development facility. Andes Technology USA is seeking engineers in the U.S. and Canada to work remotely or in the Portland or San Jose offices. Openings are available for design engineers, verification engineers, and field application engineers.

Andes Technology USA Corp. was established in 2015 as a California corporation coincident with Andes Technology Corp. joining RISC-V International. After Andes took the RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA) as the base to form its fifth generation architecture, AndeStar™ V5 and started developing V5 processor IP’s, the U.S. operation was formed to be nearby early customer adopters of the new ISA. The U.S. subsidiary established an R&D lab shortly thereafter and began developing architectures for the high-end RISC-V processors. In under a year the investment together with the main engineering team in Taiwan yielded the first commercial RISC-V Vector processor IP which won nearly 10 projects including datacenter projects from a large OEM so far.

“Major semiconductor companies worldwide adopting the RISC-V ISA and the RISC-V International work groups rapid development of the RISC-V ISA extensions is driving demand for engineers to keep up with the fast pace of new technology development,” said Emerson Hsiao, Andes Technology USA Corp. Chief Operating Officer. “RISC-V customers like the growing number of extensions coming available as well as their ability to customize the architecture to better fit their processing requirements. Our tool Andes Custom Extensions (ACE) makes the customization process easier and less risky. To keep up with RISC-V technical developments and to serve our customers’ requests, we expect to greatly expand the size of our U.S. operation.”

Engineers interested in Andes are encouraged to view the open positions on the Andes Technology LinkedIn page.


About Andes Technology USA Corp.
Andes Technology USA Corp. was formed as a California corporation in 2015 in San Jose California to develop high-end CPU architectures. Emerson Hsiao, Chief Operating Officer heads the office, located in the heart of Silicon Valley in San Jose. In June 2018, the U.S. operation added its R&D facility in Portland, Oregon to attract engineers in the Pacific Northwest and Canada. To date, the U.S. operation continues to develop new high-end CPU processor architecture. Its most significant achievement is the development of the first RISC-V vector architecture based on the RISC-V International RVV specification. Andes developed the first RISC-V vector architecture based on version V0.8 of the specification and has advanced it to the latest to-be-ratified version.

About Andes Technology
Sixteen years in business and a Founding Premier member of RISC-V International, Andes is a leading supplier of high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit embedded processor IP solutions, and a main force to take RISC-V mainstream. Andes’ fifth-generation architecture AndeStar™ adopted the RISC-V as the base. Its V5 RISC-V CPU families range from tiny 32-bit cores to advanced 64-bit cores with DSP, FPU, Vector, Linux, superscalar, and/or multicore capabilities. The annual volume of Andes-Embedded SoCs has exceeded 2 billion since 2020 and continues to rise. To the end of 2020, the cumulative volume of Andes-Embedded™ SoCs has surpassed 7 billion.

About RISC-V AndesCore™
Andes Technology’s comprehensive CPU includes entry-level, mid-range, high-end, extensible and security families to address the full range of embedded electronics products, especially for connected, smart and green applications. From 2017, Andes expands its product line to RISC-V processors and provides a total solution in V5 family cores, including N22, N25F/NX25F, D25F, A25/AX25, A25MP/AX25MP, A27/AX27/NX27V, A45/D45/N45, AX45/DX45/NX45 and A45MP/AX45MP.

For more information, please visit Follow Andes on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube!

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